Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Benefits of a Non-Brand Name Musical Instrument

There are many non-brand name musical instruments for sale that are of extreme high quality! Without mentioning the brand names we will refer to them as 'no name' instruments or as some like to say 'mid-level' instruments. Some people like to name the brand names as  'professional instruments'. I want to make myself clear though although the brand name instruments are great they are also very expensive and sometimes it is wise for the musician to buy a less expensive instrument especially if he or she is just starting to play. Non brand name instruments will do the job just fine and maybe even better in some cases.  Most of the really good non-brand name instruments have all the amenities that the brand names do minus the brand name of course.

When I started my online music store, I chose only to stock mostly non-brand name guitars to save some money on inventory and minimum order requirements. This worked out well because I was lucky enough to find some great suppliers with fabulously high quality music equipment. However, I do have some brand name stuff... it's about half and half. Through my initial research I found that most of the electric guitars had all of the high quality components on them that the brand name instruments have. My advice is in this economy is to search for a lower priced instrument that will give you the best sound and feel of a higher priced brand name instrument and go with it there are many out there. Visit my store at The Italia guitars are really cool and they cook...Todd Rungren plays one. Also, the Stadium guitars are fabulous in quality! I also have Hamers and Dean Guitars there too. I invite all comments to my blog here. Next time I will talk about some issues in the music business too..thanks!

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